If I were

كل الشكر (( نيسانة التدوين )) لتذكري في هذا الواجب التدويني ، ولا أخفيك أبدا أنه جاء في وقته ، لأن (( Beren )) كانت قد بعثت لي برسالة خاصة قبل فترة على (( Facebook )) تود فيها معرفة بعض التفاصيل عني :)

If I were a month , I'd be September

If I were a day of the week , I'd be Wednesday

If I were a time of day , I'd be Night

If I were a planet , I'd be Moon

If I were an animal , I'd be Wolf

If I were a kind of weather , I'd be Cloudy

If I were a musical instrument , I'd be Violin

If I were a color , I'd be Black

If I were an element , I'd be Oxygen

If I were a car , I'd be Audi TT

If I were a food , I'd be Hamburger

If I were a place , I'd be The Sea

If I were a material , I'd be Iron

If I were a taste , I'd be Sweet

If I were a scent , I'd be Beach Fragrance : Aqua

If I were an item of clothing , I 'd be Blue Jeans

If I were a facial expression , I'd be Mysterious

If I were a pair of shoes , I'd be Casual

If I were a song , I'd be Yesterday by Frank Sinatra

If I were a body part , I'd be The Heart

If I were an emotion , I'd be Sadness

If I were a fruit , I'd be Pomegranate

If I were a sound , I'd be Sea waves

If I were a direction , I'd be Irregular

If I were a piece of furniture , I'd be Wardrobe

If I were a liquid , I'd be Water

If I were a gemstone , I'd be Diamond

If I were a tree , I'd be Oak

If I were a tool , I'd be Pen

بيرين لا تنسي تأكدي على الحجز عشان آخر الاسبوع نطلع رحلة بحرية باليخت على (( Bodrum )) :)


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